Our role: to adapt the technologies of water treatment to obtain the quality of your needs.

The effects of water quality are often underestimated in this activity. In laboratories, water is the most used solvent and its quality (see ISO 3696 standard) remains essential to achieve the expected results and avoid any failure. Using inferior water for clinical diagnosis or care can greatly affect the results and have fatal consequences.

The water of most laboratory and clinical applications, is purified from drinking water. The impurities must be eliminated. In addition, contaminants from the water purification cycle and bacterial growth must be managed effectively.

To obtain the required water quality, several purification technologies are used to remove these impurities from drinking water. But it also depends on a system that can accurately measure and control contaminants. The production of pure water is not the only parameter of the equation; Quality validation, water storage and system maintenance are also critical to finding water quality that meets your needs.

In order to meet the requirements of critical applications, in some cases (eg certain analytical methods or tests for which sterile or pyrogen-free water, or defined surface tension is required), additional specific tests and additional purification are required may be necessary.