Our role: to help fight the depletion of resources.

Potabilization of water requires the mastery of multiple know-how (quantities available and variations in its quality …), as well as an ability to anticipate through a precise knowledge of groundwater resources, stagnant surface water (bodies of water) or flowing water (rivers, rivers, etc.) and seawater.

To meet this challenge, WATERTECH SA for 12 years, designs and manufactures modular units (containers) for water purification.
We develop, produce and distribute high quality products and systems worldwide in the field of water treatment, including: wastewater treatment, process water, drinking water and engineering of the environment.
The action of WATERTECH SA is to promote access to quality drinking water around the world and regardless of the quality of raw water resources available.
Our solutions make it possible to produce water of superior quality by reducing its limestone content and eliminating all micropollutants.